We have just said HELLO to new year as all Koç Pharmaceuticals famıly together with Our chairman of the exacutive board Expert Pharmacist Mr.Taner Ercanlı and our General Director Gyn. Op. Dr. Mr.Mehmet Ali Ulusoy. Our chairman of the exacutive board Expert Pharmacist Mr.Taner Ercanlı thanks to all company members and said that’’ We were very good in 2014 and we have growed around 80%, our aim in 2015 is to grow at least 80% again, thank you very much because of all your devoted work. ‘’ Op. Dr. Mr. Mehmet Ali Ulusoy also said same expectations and thanks to all our company members. He said ‘’The new year will be more better for our company and for our country’’, The company members also promise that they will work fort he company in the best of their ability. Again as Koç Pharmaceuticals family, we hope that the new year will be more beneficient for our company and for Turkey.